Passport Camp
| By Russell Stallibrass | 0 Comments
This weekend the explorers have spent a night camping at the district camp site, the camp was organised and run by the explorers themselves from the initial idea and letters, menu planning, risk assessment written and nights away forms filled in. Along the way they had some leader guidance but most of it was completed by themselves. During the camp the leaders visited occasionally to offer any help or guidance if it was required. The explorers have had a great time camping alone as a group after they had cooked dinner on Saturday they spent the rest of evening sat around the campfire talking with topics ranging from politics all the way through to listening to some cheesy 90s music which included some dancing to YMCA, the Macarena and even included a conga at one stage. Sunday morning was spent restarting the campfire and cooking breakfast, before the pack down could begin. They have all had a great time and look forward to organising another night camping again soon.