Last weekend saw NAESU head up to London to take part in the Monopoly Run. It’s been a few years since we’ve entered a team so it was everyone’s first experience of the event. A great time was had by all, travelling around London visiting as many check points as possible in 9 hours. With the final results counted NAESU finished in a very impressive 12th place out of 200 entries.
This week we managed to pull of a little surprise that we had been planning for a while! Paul was presented with his award for merit for his many years of scouting in various roles. Congratulations Paul, well deserved.
This week we met at 4th Worth to have a go at crossbows. Everyone seemed to enjoy the new activity for our programme. Thanks to Allen for running the evening for us and for 4th Worth for the use of their facilities. Scroll down to see some of the photos
This week we met to support the Balcombe Scout Groups bonfire night, in return they very kindly let us run a stall selling toffee apples with the profits going back into the unit. Many thanks to the members who could make it and help us run the stall. We sold out very quickly this year thanks to the good turnout. We shall return next year with more!
This week’s meeting was the last before half term and took place @ K2 leisure centre in Crawley where we enjoyed an evening climbing. Hope everyone has a good half term and well meet again the week after.
Tonight we had the presentation from our Silver DofE group, this was a great opportunity to showcase the hard work the explorers put into their DofE expedition to their parents, other leaders, and younger members from other sections.
After the “vlog” was shown there was and Q&A session followed by a camp fire sing song.
Thanks to all those who attended tonight. Hope you enjoyed the visit.
Neil Armstrong enjoyed a very hot week away based down at Ferny Crofts in the New Forest. The week started with 4 explorers completing their silver DofE expedition walking around the New Forest before enjoying several of the onsite activities, including kayaking and climbing the week also included an afternoon on Bournemouth beach enjoying a fish and chip dinner.
Starting on Wednesday evening five members of the unit headed to Blacklands Farm to camp for the night before embarking on their silver DofE practice expedition. From there they have then completed to days of hiking including an overnight stay at Broadstone Warren before in finishing in Ardingly. Thanks to covid it had been a while since the unit had been able to organise a expedition away. We are now planning to complete the full expedition as part of our summer camp in the New Forest. Well done to all those who took part this week.
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Neil Armstrong Explorers with easyfundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
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After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Neil Armstrong Explorers at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Neil Armstrong Explorers will be really grateful for your donations.
The explorers continued their weekly programme last night with two different bases set up with them all getting a chance at both throughout the evening. The two bases that were set up involved making woggles and making survival candles inside tins.